What we are

Welcome to www.mcelindia.co.in! We are (guided by academicians, professionals, & visionaries from diverse backgrounds) into designing career oriented programs for aspiring employees, entrepreneurs, and freelancers. Our courses are aimed at helping candidates to become successful in their chosen occupation and open doors for them to find career in India as well as offshore careers.
Foundation of MCEL (Modern Computer Education, Langaleswar) rests on the mantra that "ALL willing learners can succeed in the professional world, provided they're offered the right platform; AND that lack of formal education is not a permanent disability. We always have an option to start & make a new life!"

Benefit to the Institute

Successful completion of certification program will prepare students for future career paths and continued education; perfecting practical skills will help them to land employment in virtually any industry, anywhere in the world thereby improving your reputation and demand amongst students.

Other Vital Details

All our courses are short duration certification programs catering to candidate's academic, employment, & vocational requirements; designed to transform sincere individuals into extraordinary, valued human resource. The courses also promise to open doors to freelance and self-employment opportunities; and those aiming to lap up offshore job opportunities.

Our curriculum is designed in keeping with the real world challenges and market dynamics; modules, course structure, synopsis; everything is developed by competent practitioners; we adhere to quality control standards you may not find commonplace.

What sets us apart is that our courses have no minimum qualification criteria. This means, anybody interested in achieving professional success at any age or stage of their life can enrol into institutes conducting MCEL programs, get a certificate on successful completion of the same and start a new life!

As all our courses are designed by experienced professionals, academic experts, and technicians; they're scientifically developed, are relevant and high compatible in prevailing work environment. Our content and modules are practical and highly effective and relevant. All our courses are aimed at transforming individuals into employable and skilled human resource; competent to serve private and public sectors at various levels; start their own enterprise or be trained in their chosen vocation.